Thursday, January 20, 2011

Keys to Overcoming Difficult Circumstances

We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We do not know what to do, but we do not give up the hope of living. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed” (2 Cor. 4:8-9 NCV).
Walking with Christ does not mean we will walk a life free from pain and difficulty. In fact, we can be assured that like the apostle Paul, we will face trouble all around. The real challenge then, is to CHOOSE not give into defeat or despair in the midst of difficult circumstances. Victory is learning to walk with Jesus through hardship while maintaining proper perspective and choosing right response.
Here are three keys to help you walk through difficult times:
Praise God despite your circumstances:
 We see numerous examples in Scripture of the power of praising God in the most difficult of circumstances. God is always worthy of praise, regardless of the struggle you may be enduring. HE never changes and HE is with you in the midst of it all. Rather than focusing entirely on your pain and the difficulty you are facing, why not focus on the GREATNESS of your GOD! Rather than magnifying your mountain, magnify your God instead!
Cultivate a heart of thanksgiving:
Just as praise adjusts your focus, thanksgiving takes the eyes of your heart off negatives and places them on positives. Thanksgiving is the seed that prepares a harvest of joy. Joy is not dependent on circumstances. Keep in mind the joy of the Lord is your strength that brings you through hard times. Regularly cultivating a heart of gratitude will empower you with a healthy perspective during difficult times.
Serve others:
 It is tempting to become self-centered in the midst of hard times. We can allow worry to consume us. We can choose to spend our energy and time striving to control circumstances that we really have NO power to change.  It is during these times that we have the greatest opportunity to touch the Father’s heart by pursuing HIS Kingdom first despite our pain.
In essence, we must commit to laying down our life (our own interests) with intentions to bless others. I believe this truly moves the heart of our Father and brings healing and freedom to our own lives as a result.

Remember, difficult and painful times will come. You have the power to CHOOSE how you will respond to them. Will your response bring honor and glory to God?